7.29.17 North Face Hike

Saturday July 29th, we’ll be trekking to Girdwood for an Out-of-the-Box adventure.  We will be hiking Alyeska North Face (or Winner Creek for interested parties).  North Face is a short 2mi, but mostly climbing.  We will be taking the tram down and rendezvousing at Jack Sprat’s for yam fries to celebrate our survival…I mean accomplishment.

We will be meeting at the resort tram @ 10AM to commence the fun.  As always family, friends, and kiddos welcome!

GU Energy Labs is Coming to Redox!

We have decided to start carrying GU products at the gym.  GU is a brand that I have used for the better part of a decade (Full disclosure: Most of that time I have been a part of their “Pro Program”).  Although I find that most of their products are geared towards endurance athletes and that’s where they, as a company, have their roots they are working to serve the larger athletic community.

One product I still use virtually every day are their hydration tabs.  The tabs are convenient pre-measured servings of electrolyte replacements that dissolve easily and have no added sugar. There is nothing worse than a sugary gut bomb with hidden powder pockets waiting to burst into gritty, sand explosions in your mouth. Am I right?!?

Anywho…on to the good stuff…we are offering a 25% discount off MSRP for anyone who wants to pre-order during our initial purchase.  Please complete our Pre-Order Form  by July 31st if interested. We will be placing the order on August 1st. If there are products you’re interested in that aren’t included on the form you can request on the bottom of the form. After the inaugural order, our members will receive a 15% discount as a membership perk for as long as we carry the products.

If  you’d like to learn more about GU, here is The GU Story.

Cycle 3, 2017

Hey Team,

I’m a little behind in getting this up, but we are early in our third training cycle for the year.  We completed post-testing for Cycle 2 and pre-testing for Cycle 3 the last week of June and first week of July.  We will work for approximately 8 weeks on the goals below, have a one week deload (reduction in load/volume/intensity) then retest in hopes of seeing measurable progress in the focus areas listed below.


Improve Absolute Strength
3RM BS, 1RM CGBP (correlates well w/ HSPUs)

Create Strength Speed by building on the strength base we created in cycles 1 & 2
(read dabbling in barbell oly lifting – focus on the clean and push press)

Develop Strict Gymnastics
Continue to amass volume in strict pull-ups and dips, building on Cycle 2
Adding HSPU

Building Aerobic Capacity
1.5mi run (increasing time frame from 2k erg in Cycle 2)

Fitness Contagion Project

Hey Team,
Several of you have asked us how you can best introduce your friends to our box. We are excited that you want us to meet your friends 😍, but we don’t want to have a free class every week that our members avoid because it’s brimming with newbies. Thus the “Fitness Contagion Project” was born!
Here is the plan:
  • Simply forward the link below to your friend
  • They must create a profile in Mindbody and sign our waiver
  • Sign up and attend class WITH your friend.  * Inferno crew: feel free to bring them to an Ignition class.*
  • If your friend purchases a membership you will receive 5% off all future membership payments for as long as they remain a member (maximum of 3 “friend discounts”)
  • Discount only applies to members with auto-renewing contracts (sorry no punch card members)

Fitness Contagion Project

One-month sugar detox: A nutritionist explains how and why

I love seeing the nutrition practices we at Redox CrossFit promote getting mainstream traction. This is a great article on one of the biggest nutrition issues today. Meg and I tried this when we first started CrossFit…the difference is incredible.
If you’ve started CrossFit and you’ve begun to see the body composition changes you were looking for but aren’t quite there yet, diet is the next step.

5.29.17 Memorial Day WOD

Every year the CrossFit community uses Memorial Day as an opportunity to remember one of our nation’s fallen heroes.  Traditionally “Murph” is the HERO WOD of choice. This year we’re changing it up and commemorating a hero with local ties. We will be joining CrossFit Anchorage to do the Hero WOD “Liam” in honor of Sergeant First Class Liam Nevins. His sister is an athlete at CrossFit Anchorage. Please join us as we celebrate his life and commemorate those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. The WOD will be followed by a BBQ catered by AJ’s Truck. Feel free to bring snack and beverages to share. We hope to see you all there!

5.21.17 Bird to Gird

Join us on Sunday May 21st for a scenic ride along Turnagain Arm. We will be meeting at the Indian parking lot and biking to Girdwood where we plan to replenish and reward ourselves with beverages and yam fries at Jack Sprat’s! We are arranging rides back to Indian for those who only want to bike one-way.  For those on a tighter schedule, feel free to partake in only the ride or restaurant portions of the day. Remember to sign up in mindbody so we can plan rides and reservations accordingly! https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=318955&stype=-102&sTG=34&sVT=26&sView=day&sLoc=1

Mom-osa Day 2017

Some wonderful ladies who came out to celebrate Mom-osa Day!

Thanks to everyone who came out and made Mom-osa Day such a fun experience! We started the morning by running ‘A Mother-of-a-WOD’…

Which was promptly followed by Mom-osa Party!

Cheers to all the Moms out there and everyone who came to celebrate them with us!

5.13.17 MOM-osa Day WOD

In honor of Mother’s Day we will be hosting a MOM-osa Day Event.  The event is free for ALL mothers as well as all Redox Athletes.  Doors open at 930AM.  The WOD (TBD) will start at 10AM with beverages to follow. Please RSVP to our FB event (Mom-Osa Facebook Event), so we can plan accordingly.   Cheers!


Note: Non-mother drop-ins will be expected to pay our usual drop in fee.

Cycle 2, 2017


Continue to Increase Aerobic Capacity

Improved Absolute Strength (Back Squat, DL, Strict Press)

Developing Strict Gymnastics Base (Dips & Pull-ups)

Anti-Rotational Core Strength